Unified CRM and
Automation Platform

Free training and implementation support

Streamline, Automate and Monitor

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Support
  • Projects
  • Orders
  • Payments
  • Services
  • Affiliates

Our esteemed clients

Annexe chem pvt. ltd.
Essae Teraoka
Habitat India

Unified platform


Outperform your Sales targets by building an automated Sales machine that helps you capture, convert and retain customers. Create healthy competetion in your team with Gamification. Convert your happy customers into brand advocates.


Deliver hyper-personalized experience across relevant communication channels  to your audience with automated triggers anywhere in the customer journey. Automate message sequences that keeps your customers engaged. Track your results to create further optimized campaigns.


Provide timely and efficient omni-channel resolution to your customer's issues. With unified approach get the right information and keep other departments in the loop. Create escalation and routing rules to keep a tap on target and make sure that issues are resolved quickly by relevant teams.


Efficiently manage projects by keeping realtime track on deadlines, smart resource allocation and keeping a tap on budget. Improve quality of project deliveries with issue tracking, reduce completion period and keep in line with customer's objectives.


Set your revenue engine on track with billing automation. Get clear insights on revenue, cashflow and expenses. Create recurring billing cycles, credit payment plans and streamline with your projects and support contracts.


Analyze your customer's data and get key insights to  take right customer-conscious decisions. Create dashboards that provide your the right information on your finger tips. Visualize your data and drill down using Pivots, and Gantt charts. Identify bottlenecks by tracking various indicators.


Reduce turn around time, resource requirements and costs involved by automating standard processes. Get inevitable benefit of well focused team, that puts their energy into productive work rather than mundane tasks. Create custom processes that helps you streamline your core business.

CRM Workshops

Not just a tool

At automateCRM we believe in providing solutions. With its vast capabilities,  possibilities are endless. With our solution workshops our product experts understands your challenges and then provide custom tailored solution. It involves active participation from your team, listening to them and providing effective, simple and scalable solution.

*Limited slots available per month.

Data access and Organization hierarchy
Complete control on Data Sharing and Access
Custom Roles and Hierarchy
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Define which Role can access what information by defining your own Organization hierarchy, no limitations.
Data sharing rules
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Easily control how users with various roles can access data of other users. Restrict completely or set it to read only or create your own rule.
Import, Export and other permission
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Control what actions users can take, such as, exporting data, duplicate merging, changing ownership , importing records.
Upto Field level permission
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Define if a field is editable or only readable or is not at all visible to roles. Helping you easily control how data is shared between teams.
Role based Dropdown value
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Restrict value in a dropdown to specific roles. Helps you in creating spreamlined process flows such as for approvals, deal stage movements etc..
Capture Leads from almost anywhere

Capture Leads from almost anywhere

Website and Landing pages
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Connect your existing website forms or landing pages to CRM, no need of exporting Leads and manually importing into CRM any more.
Social Media
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Connect to Social media Lead forms such as from Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, capture leads from Comments, Direct Messages.
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Automatically create new Lead when someone emails you for the first time. If you are receving Lead details over email, our scanner can read that information and automate Lead creation.
E-commerce platforms
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Connect to e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Woocommerce and get new customers information into CRM in realtime.
Import from File
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Purchasing Leads? You can easily import those Leads from CSV files and at the same time load them into a Campaign!
Sponsored Ads
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Track and capture Leads from Landing pages of your Sponsored ads along with contextual information such as UTM parameters.
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Easily track Leads and referral from existing Customers, Partners or Affiliates. Reward them for referrals and drive engagement with Referral programs.
Omnichannel communication

Multi-Channel communication

Phone calls
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Native integration with various service providers such as Twilio, Knowlarity, Ringcentral, MyOperator, SparkTG. Supported even from our Mobile apps!
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Send personalized Emails, which could be triggered at any interaction. Engage your customers with Drip marketing. Track your key performance metrics like Open Rate, Click Rate, Bounces etc..
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Keep your customers updated with automated Whatsapp messages. Send Invoices, Delivery, Ticket resolution notifications, Payment reminders easily over Whatsapp. Connect with Chat Bot endpoints.
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Connect with your SMS service provider and start sending personalized SMS to your customers for engagements or notifications. You can even recieve SMS and automate replies.
Social Media
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Connect with Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and track DMs, Comments. Allocate conversation to a user or use Sentiment analysis to decide the next action.

No more Micro-Management

Time based rules
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Set time based rules such as for Tasks, Sales operations, Project tasks and notify users about approaching target time. Re-assign or notify to Reporting manager on missing the timeline.
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Set SLA rules by category, Tier or Account. Monitor SLA breaches, escalations, notify stakeholders and customers. Be proactive rather than reactive.
Not just for Support
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Define rules not just for Service tickets but for anything. Focus on tasks that need your attention.
Automate Reallocation
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Optimize your operations by automating re-allocation of Tasks, Tickets etc. when the set target time has crossed.

Rewards for Customers and Employees

Create point allocation rules
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Create your own Rewards allocation system for your customers and employees. Keep your employees motivated and turn customers into brand ambassadors.
Loyalty Programs
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Achieve your objectives such as increasing repeat sales, brand positioning, influencing buying behaviour etc. with Loyalty programs.
Reward employees
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There is nothing like motivated employees. Set rewards for achieving objectives inturn creating a healthy competition between employees.
Bounty rules
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Some things need just a little bit of more focus. Bring in that focus by setting bounty rules, which helps reducing common mistakes in operations.
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Create leaderboards for your employees and customers. Drive more engagement with your achievers and set inspiration for low performers.

Personalize every step of customer journey

Unlimited Message template
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No restrictions of how many message templates you can create. For emails copy paste your HTML or use our MJML based drag and drop, responsive email builder.
Trigger at any touchpoint
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Personalization is not just about putting customer name! Set the right course of action for your customer at any touchpoint. Such as move them to abandoned cart sequence or give an upsell offer before they make a purchase.
Re-engage inactive customers
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Identify inactive customers based on purchases, support requests, website activity, social media engagement and automate engagement strategy for each segement.
Keep customers updated
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Keep your customers updated over their preferred communication channel for new product launches, seasonal offers, upcoming events, meetups etc..
Broadcasts and Drips
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You can setup sequence of messages such as an email on sign up, video tutorial after 2 days, followup after week and just keep adding customers to your sequence. Otherwise broadcast a single personalized message to list of customers.
Stop messages on triggers
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Run optimized Drip campaigns and take actions on triggers such as to stop further messages if customer has replied, or create an opportunity if email is opened.
Manage affiliates and distributors

Manage Affiliates, Contractors, Distributors

Engage with Affiliates
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Affiliates are always a major sales engine, keep them engaged and updated. Track referrals, deals, comissions, top performer and drive more sales.
Track Affiliate Sales
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Generate links or allocate codes to keep track of Sales from your Affiliates.Track top and low peformers. Engage with low performers, run surveys to identify common issues.
Keep them updated
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Keep your Affiliates updates about new launches, pricing etc. by broadcasting messages and sending notifications.
Build strong support system
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A major reason for low performance by a Distributor or Affiliate is a gap in support system. Setup support system to address issues faced by your Affiliates and Distributors.
Identify bottlenecks
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Track your operations for distribution and identify bottleneck. Take data driven decisions to streamline and optimize distribution.

Social media engagement and support

Capture new customers
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Capture new customers from Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Automate actions such as to create a new Lead when some one comments on a post for the first time.
Sentiment Analysis
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Customers are reporting issues on Social media channels more then ever. Monitor those messages and take actions for low sentiment messages, helping you maintin good online reputation.
Connect with chat bots
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You can easily connect your existing chat bot with CRM using REST APIs to build realtime responses. Or send collected information from chat bot to CRM to take next action such as creating appointment, support ticket.
Increase engagement
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Drive more engagement by creating targeted campaigns and rewarding your customers. Such as create a campaign to reward customers with 20% discount on next purchase if they like your Facebook page!
Manage subscriptions and billing

Manage Recurring Orders and Payments

Manage Renewals
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Setup automated alerts for renewals, create payment links, automate actions on missed renewal, track ARR and MRR, set targets for Sales team.
Payment tracking and Reminders
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Create payment plans for Orders, such as monthly plan for an annual contract. Track receivables, notify customers for upcoming payments.
Be on top of your ARR/MRR
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Always be aware of your current ARR and MRR and set targets for your team. Helping them being aware and take necessary actions to meet the targets.
Reduce churn and increase renewal
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Make it easy for your customers to make payments by sending payment links, reminding them for due payments, automate renewal offers based on past interactions helping you reduce churn.
Power of AI

Power of AI/ML

Sentiment Analysis
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Identify low sentiment messages from your customers and setup process to address them.
Connect with your ML models
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Already have AI/ML models ? We can help you connect CRM with your models helping you take better decisions and optimizing your efforts.

Streamline your process with custom modules

Custom Modules
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Each business is unique and so are its processes. With custom modules you can easily streamline your unique business process. Such as a custom module to capture some application form.
Custom Fields
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Create as many custom fields as you need. Organize them with our drag and drop layout editor, set permissions, use in templates, custom views etc.
Custom dropdown values
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You can change the dropdown values such as Sales Stages, Ticket categories, Tasks statuses etc. Also additionaly you can set access to these values by roles.
Custom Views and Layouts
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Create the right view by defining your search criteria and fields that you need, helping you getting access to right set of information anytime.
Workflows and Automation
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Setup workflows and actions such as sending emails, create task, updating target date, deal amount, lead scores, approvals and trigger them automatically on any touchpoint or interaction.
Customize the way you want
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Most of the system can be configured and customized with various options available such as layout, fields, dropdown values, taxes, currency, emails, lead to opportunity mappings etc. Yet, we can always help you implement a custom feature.

Reports and Dashboards

360 view
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Get all information on your customer in one page. Since all your customer data and touchpoints are now managed in one platform, you team is now in a better position to take better data-driven decisions.
Executive Dashboards
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Create executive dashboards by connecting your BI tool with CRM data or create dashboard with our in built Analytics which supports Tabular Data, Charts and Pivots.
Create unlimited Reports
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No limitations on how many reports or dashboards you can create.
Pivot View
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Convert your list of records into a Pivot and do quick analysis. You can also include related information such as customers geographical information and loyalty points while creating Pivot on Sales orders.
Easily connect to Visualization tools
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Create snapshots of your tabular report data and pull into your external Data visualization tool. You can even embed your visualization back into the CRM dashboard.
Integrated with more than 50 applications
And More...
Perfect fit for your unique business

automateCRM is completely customizable, tell us about your unique needs and we will help you out.

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Schedule your free CRM Discovery workshop